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This is the gold mine - the first picture found of 1146's original interior colors. I've been able to verify a lot during restoration: The valence lighting's first layer of paint was a metalic gold. The window piers still have 'Realwood' Walnut Formica under Amtrak's contact paper. The window sills and triangles between seats are still black Formica, and the heat registers beneath the seats are still stainless. I've also found what looks like tan/brown leather on the backs of the benches, below the windows. MTM has rust-upholstered GN dining car chairs in its collection, and the bill of materials calls for rust-colored carpet. A fragment of tan floor tile survives in the hallway, and the table legs are still black.

My guess is the venetian blinds were pale green, and the ceiling was smoke grey (below) and off-white (above.)

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